
How to convert .webp images in GIMP

What are .webp files

Files with the .webp extension are image files in a format developed by Google.

To date, the WebP format has not been widely used, but it is supported by many web browsers and image viewers and editors.

How to Open WebP in GIMP

Recent versions of GIMP support WebP format (previously a special plug-in was required). But in the “Open With” context menu, you may not find GIMP:

This is not a problem, click “Other” and in the window that opens, find GIMP:

You can also click the buttons:

  • Add to list” – so that GIMP appears in the list of suggested programs when opening this file format
  • Set as default” – to make GIMP the default program for opening WebP files

Another option is to go to the GIMP menu and go to File → Open:

Once a WebP image is opened in GIMP, it can be exported to any format supported by GIMP. To do this, select “File” → “Export As...”:

Select File Type” and press the “Export” button:

Related: Batch image processing in GIMP

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