Tag: analogues of Linux commands in PowerShell

How to read file contents in PowerShell. How to save file contents to a variable

Table of contents How to read file contents and display them on the screen How to read a file and save it to a variable How to read multiple files with a single Get-Content command Using wildcards with file names in Get-Content How to read a specified number of lines from the beginning of a file How to read a...

Analogs of cat, tail, head and wc in PowerShell

How to pass the contents of a file to a cmdlet in PowerShell In this article, we will look at how to get the contents of a file and send it to a cmdlet for processing or for display on the screen. In Bash on Linux, when you need to pass data from a file, commands either work with standard...

An analogue of cd and chdir in PowerShell. How to change the current working folder in PowerShell

Why change the working folder in the command line The current folder (or working folder) is the location in the file system where the user is located when working in the Terminal. Strictly speaking, each running process has its own working folder (at startup, it coincides with the folder where the file or script that launched this process is located,...

How to clear the terminal window in PowerShell. Analog of clear

When debugging cmdlets and options, so that previously output data does not fall into the field of view and does not mix with the results of the last command, or if for other reasons you want to delete everything that the command line utilities output, then you can use this instruction. We will consider such questions as: 1) How to...

How to find out the current directory in the Windows command line. Analog of pwd in PowerShell

What is the current and working directory in Windows The current directory or working directory is a folder relative to which the names of files whose path is specified relative or not specified at all are determined. Let's say the current directory is the folder “C:\Users\MiAl”. Therefore, if I create a file test.txt without specifying an absolute path, this file...