Tag: command line interface / cli

How to take a screenshot of a website in the command line (with JavaScript and lazy download support)

Brief summary of the article: You can take a screenshot of a website in the command line using a headless web browser – the article describes in detail how to do this If you do not want to bother with installation and configuration, then you can take a screenshot of websites (including JavaScript and lazy download) using the online service:...

Command line tools for working with AI Chatbots

Table of Contents Free and open source chatbot software Terminal GPT (tgpt) Chatblade chatGPT-shell-cli ShellGPT ΦωΦ (python-owega) shellChatGPT openai-cli pdfgpt AIChat AIChatNG air (AI in Rust) ChatGPT-CLI (gpt-chatbot-cli) GPTO (Geppetto) GPTScript gpt-cli Ruby OpenAI BashSenpai 1. Free and open source chatbot software For AI chatbots (like ChatGPT), there are official web interfaces, integrations into various applications (such as office or...

How to change the command line prompt for MySQL (MariaDB)

The MySQL (MariaDB) client, when connected to a DBMS server, displays the database selected to use and the name of the DBMS (such as MariaDB or MySQL) at the default command prompt. Perhaps you want to add to this information the username, the hostname on which the MySQL (MariaDB) server is running, the port number, the current date and time,...

How to fix Linux booting to black screen (SOLVED)

Pretty harmless video card settings (for example, installing drivers, choosing a video card for video output on a laptop, enabling 10-bit color depth) can lead to a serious problem for beginners: the Linux operating system boots into a black screen. Since this problem cannot be solved by the usual methods in the graphical interface, novice Linux users often come to...

ImageMagick error on Windows: “magick: unable to open image ''test': No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/3565. magick: no decode delegate for this image format `' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/741.” (SOLVED)

If in Windows 11 open CMD: cmd And then run the command: magick '.\Для теста.jpg' test.png An error will be received that there is no such file or directory: magick: unable to open image ''.\╨Ф╨╗╤П': No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/3565. magick: no decode delegate for this image format `' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/741. You can see that non-Latin characters are...

Basics of launching and using command line utilities in Windows

Are the command line and command line utilities relevant today? Windows users are accustomed to using programs (applications) with a graphical user interface, in which actions are performed using mouse clicks or keyboard input. At the same time, even in Windows there are and can be installed many utilities, programs without a graphical interface, with very useful functionality. As a...

How to run PHP script on the command line (without web server)

How to run PHP script on Windows command line If you want not only the ability to run PHP from the command line, but also a full-fledged Apache + PHP + MySQL web server on Windows, then complete the installation according to this article. To run PHP on the command line, you do not need to install a web server,...

ONVIF client with command line interface

ONVIF is an open industry forum that provides and promotes standardized interfaces for effective interoperability of IP-based physical security products. ONVIF protocol can be found on security cameras. Using ONVIF protocol, you can receive information from IP cameras and control them (set settings, rotate, etc.). This article will talk about python-onvif - an ONVIF client implemented in Python. This program...