Tag: ext2

How to find out when Linux was installed

This article will look at several ways to find out the date of installation of the Linux operating system. But let's start by thinking about what is considered the date of installation of the OS? What is considered the date of installation of Linux It would seem that the question and the answer to it are quite simple – the...

How to increase the size of the partition and file system after increasing the physical size of the disk

Disk partition size and file system size In Linux, a disk can be used entirely by one partition or be divided into several partitions (similar to volumes in Windows). Usually, at the stage of installing the operating system, disk partitioning is done: disk partitions are created, and then these partitions are formatted into one or another file system. In this...

File attributes on Linux

File attributes on Linux file systems Each file has a specific set of properties in the file system. For example, these are access permissions, owner, name, timestamps. In Linux, each file has quite a few properties, for example, access permissions are set three times (for the owner, group and all others), timestamps can also be of three different types (creation...

How to open a Linux drive on Windows

The Linux operating system uses its own file systems. Unlike Windows, for which the usual file systems are NTFS, FAT32, and exFAT, the popular file systems on Linux are ext4, ext3, and ext2. If you connect a Linux drive to Windows, or if you have Linux installed as a second system, then Windows simply will not be able to open...