Tag: Get-Content

How to monitor new lines in a file in PowerShell

How to set up notifications for new lines in a file If you need to monitor logs (journals) in which new lines appear, then Windows has a convenient tool for this. You do not need to install or configure anything additionally – everything you need is already available on all current versions of Windows. You can monitor the appearance of...

How to read file contents in PowerShell. How to save file contents to a variable

Table of contents How to read file contents and display them on the screen How to read a file and save it to a variable How to read multiple files with a single Get-Content command Using wildcards with file names in Get-Content How to read a specified number of lines from the beginning of a file How to read a...

Analogs of cat, tail, head and wc in PowerShell

How to pass the contents of a file to a cmdlet in PowerShell In this article, we will look at how to get the contents of a file and send it to a cmdlet for processing or for display on the screen. In Bash on Linux, when you need to pass data from a file, commands either work with standard...

Error “The ‘<‘ operator is reserved for future use.” (SOLVED)

Analog “<” for PowerShell On Linux, you can use the following construct: COMMAND1 < FILE1 In this case, COMMAND1 will be executed with FILE1 as the input source instead of the keyboard, which is the normal standard input source. The “<” operator corresponds to the use of “|” to be passed to standard input. For example, the following commands are...