How to increase the color (saturation) of images, how to make a photo warmer or colder

You have probably noticed that other people's photographs can look very beautiful: incredible colors and shades, the landscape seems to be from a postcard. You might think that it's all about some very expensive camera, the outstanding talent of a photographer, or incomprehensible skills in photo processing. All this can take place, but in fact, you can turn an ordinary...

How to convert .webp images to GIMP

What are .webp files Files with the .webp extension are image files in a format developed by Google. To date, the WebP format has not been widely used, but it is supported by many web browsers and image viewers and editors. How to Open WebP in GIMP Recent versions of GIMP support WebP format (previously a special plug-in was required)....

Batch image processing in GIMP

In addition to creative work with images in GIMP, sometimes you need to do fairly simple things, but with a large number of files. Sometimes even with a very large number of files. Such actions are called “Batch File Processing” or “Batch Image Manipulation” when the same operation is performed on multiple images. Such an operation can be converting, resizing,...

GIMP copies not all layers (SOLVED)

GIMP is a powerful image editor, comparable to PhotoShop in features, but completely free. You may have come across a situation where you have edited an image, perhaps added text and other layers and are trying to copy the resulting image, for example, to create a new file from it or paste into another image. However, only individual elements or...