Tag: IPv6

How to enable DNS over HTTPS in Windows 11

To improve your online privacy and security, Windows 11 lets you use DNS over HTTPS (DoH) to encrypt the DNS requests your computer makes when you browse or do anything else on the Internet. This article will show you how to set it up in Windows 11. Encrypted DNS is more private and secure Every time you visit a website...

What happens if an IPv4 client tries to access an IPv6-only server (SOLVED)

Question: Hey! The article says that IPv6 is a completely different protocol, I had a question. If my recipient's email works only on IPv6 (that is, his mail server listens only through the IPv6 protocol), does this mean that when sending a letter from a mail server that is connected only to IPv4, the letter simply will not reach the...

How to configure Squid to use IPv4

Because the IPv6 Internet is as fast or faster than the IPv4 Internet for most networks, Squid prefers to connect to websites over IPv6. The “dns_v4_first on” option changes the order of preference so that Squid will first bind to dual-stack websites over IPv4. Squid will still do both IPv6 and IPv4 DNS queries before connecting. A WARNING. This parameter...

How to check if my router supports IPv6

How to open a site on IPv6 The fastest and easiest way to find out if a router can work with IPv6 is to check if it can open a site with an IPv6 address. Use the service “Do I have IPv6”. This website allows you to connect to it in a variety of ways – just follow the link...