Tag: man

Why “mysql -h” doesn’t show help. Error “option ‘-h’ requires an argument” (SOLVED)

Perhaps the most popular command line option, regardless of the utility used, is the “-h” option. For most command-line programs, the “-h” option displays help on how to use the program. But if you try to get help for MySQL like this: mysql -h Then instead of the expected list of options and their values, you will get an error:...

What program to open .docbook files (DocBook)

In fact, .docbook files are not meant to be read - they are meant to be converted to HTML, man, PDF, DOCX, ODT, EPUB, FictionBook2, and many others. What is DocBook? DocBook is an XML-based standard used in many modern documentation tasks. When you want to create a DocBook document source, you write XML files that describe the document's layout,...