Tag: network interfaces

How to configure the network interface to use a dynamic IP address (DHCP) in PowerShell

Note: all settings in this article must be done with administrator rights. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) allows the network adapter to obtain the correct network settings without manually configuring network interfaces. To manage a network interface, you need to know its index. The list of interfaces and their indices can be obtained with the following command: Get-NetIPAddress | Format-Table...

How to set IP address, netmask, default gateway and DNS for a network interface in PowerShell

Setting a static IP, netmask and gateway for a network adapter in PowerShell is a little confusing but possible. This post will show you how to do this using the New-NetIPAddress and Set-NetIPAddress cmdlets. The old way of configuring network interfaces is using the netsh command. First, we look at the name of the network interfaces of any of the...

How to prevent NetworkManager from managing a specific interface? (SOLVED)

NetworkManager is a Linux service that manages various network interfaces, including physical, such as Ethernet and wireless, and virtual, such as VPN and other tunnels. Network Manager can be configured to manage some or all of the system interfaces. NetworkManager has a graphical interface - this is the applet that opens when you click on the network icon located next...

Why does VirtualBox lose connection when changing MAC address (SOLVED)

Virtual machine, after changing MAC address of eth0, the connection does not work. When changing only the last three octets, the situation is the same. Restarting the modem does not give results, there is no filtering by MAC addresses. Why is this happening and how can I fix it? VirtualBox does not support changing the MAC address inside the guest...