Tag: package dependencies

Error “cannot resolve dependency lib32 (32-bit library)” (SOLVED)

When installing a package on Arch Linux or a distro derived from it, for example, by running the following command: sudo pacman -S trid an error may occur stating that dependencies could not be resolved. The name of this dependency can contain the number “32” or the string “lib32”, that is, it is a 32-bit package, for example: resolving dependencies......

How to simulate package installation on Linux (How to create and install a dummy package)

Sometimes, when installing packages from source code, you may encounter the problem that the required dependency is missing from the system. Usually you need to solve this problem by installing the necessary dependencies from the standard repository, or by compiling them from source. Sometimes the required package is present, but its version is not suitable, a similar example and solution...

How to completely uninstall a package along with dependencies on Arch Linux (as well as BlackArch and Manjaro)

This tutorial uses pacman as the package management (uninstallation) program, but you can also use pikaur or yay instead, since the options discussed are the same for all these package managers. Related: Automatic installation and update of AUR packages A typical command to uninstall a program that will remove all package files: sudo pacman -R PACKAGE Indeed it will remove...