Tag: variables

How to assign cmdlet output to a variable and How to use a variable with saved output

Table of contents How to save cmdlet output to a variable How to display the contents of a variable in Terminal How to process the contents of a variable using a cmdlet How to count the number of rows in a variable How to get an idea of ​​the contents of a variable without printing the entire results How to...

How to determine an object’s type in PowerShell

Table of contents 1. How to determine an Object's type in PowerShell 2. Determining the object type with .GetType() (as well as .GetType().Name and .GetType().FullName 3. How to get the object type with Get-Member 4. Checking object types with the -is and -isnot type operators 5. How to check the type of collection elements 6. The .GetType().IsArray property to test...

How to add a ‘b’ prefix to a variable name in Python?

Strings with a ‘b’ prefix in Python Consider the following example: byte_string = b'test string' print(byte_string) These two strings will print: b'test string' Strings with a ‘b’ prefix are a sequence of bytes, i.e. a special type of data (such as strings, numbers, lists, etc.). Suppose we want to do something like this: variable_string = "test string" byte_string = b'variable_string'...