Tag: Manjaro

Error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files) (SOLVED)

When performing updates on Arch Linux and derivative distributions (Manjaro, BlackArch), several checks are performed before directly installing new versions of packages: checking if all necessary dependencies are present checking if there are conflicting packages The previous two checks are performed before the installation files are downloaded. Immediately after downloading the installation files (but, of course, even before installing them),...

How to install Python as a CGI module in Apache on Linux

Table of contents 1. How to run a Python script on a web server 2. How to set up Python as a CGI module in Apache on Debian (Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Kali Linux) 2.1 Setting up Python CGI for a single directory 2.2 Setting up Python CGI for the entire web server 3. How to set up Python as a...

How to set up Python as a CGI module in Apache on Arch Linux (Manjaro, BlackArch)

Setting up Python CGI for a single directory Create a directory /srv/http/cgi-bin/ - this is where the Python scripts will be located: sudo mkdir /srv/http/cgi-bin/ Open the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file – the web server configuration file: sudo gedit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf Find a group of lines: <Directory "/srv/http/cgi-bin"> AllowOverride None Options None Require all granted </Directory> And replace it with: <Directory "/srv/http/cgi-bin"> AllowOverride...

PHP Warning: PHP Startup: imap: Unable to initialize module (SOLVED). How to install the imap module for PHP on Arch Linux

When running a PHP script in Arch Linux or derivative distributions (Manjaro, BlackArch) on the command line: php 8.php You may see the following warning from PHP: PHP Warning: PHP Startup: imap: Unable to initialize module Module compiled with module API=20210902 PHP compiled with module API=20220829 These options need to match in Unknown on line 0 Warning: PHP Startup: imap:...

phpMyAdmin error “Error: Undefined constant “SODIUM_CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_KEYBYTES”” (SOLVED)

On Arch Linux, when trying to use the phpMyAdmin 5.3 pre-release, I encountered an error: Error: Undefined constant "SODIUM_CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_KEYBYTES" Checking in Debian showed that there is no such problem with phpMyAdmin 5.3. The reason for the error is that sodium support is not enabled. How to enable sodium on Arch Linux (Manjaro, BlackArch) To enable sodium support in Arch Linux...

Errors “Incorrect definition of table mysql.event: expected column ‘definer’ at position 3 to have type varchar(, found type char(141)” and “Event Scheduler: An error occurred when initializing system tables. Disabling the Event Scheduler” (SOLVED)

When upgrading mariadb to version 10.8.3, the following messages were shown: warning: directory permissions differ on /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/auth_pam_tool_dir/ filesystem: 700 package: 755 :: MariaDB was updated to a new feature release. To update the data run: systemctl restart mariadb.service && mariadb-upgrade -u root -p They contain information about two events that require the action of a system administrator or user. The...

How to download a package without installation in Arch Linux and Manjaro. How to download the AUR package source code

How to download a package with pacman (from standard repositories) To download a package without installing it, use the -w option: sudo pacman -Sw PACKAGE By default, the package will be downloaded to pacman's package cache directory, with the --cachedir option you can specify any other directory to save the package to: sudo pacman -Sw --cachedir DIRECTORY PACKAGE For example,...

“Error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package)” (SOLVED)

When updating or installing packages in Arch Linux, Manjaro and their derivatives, you may encounter the “error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package). Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.” issue. Full error log: :: Retrieving packages... libinih-55-2-x86_64 15.4 KiB 385 KiB/s 00:00 [############################################] 100% (40/40) checking keys in keyring [############################################] 100% (40/40) checking package integrity [############################################] 100% error:...

Error “cannot resolve dependency lib32 (32-bit library)” (SOLVED)

When installing a package on Arch Linux or a distro derived from it, for example, by running the following command: sudo pacman -S trid an error may occur stating that dependencies could not be resolved. The name of this dependency can contain the number “32” or the string “lib32”, that is, it is a 32-bit package, for example: resolving dependencies......

How to install PowerShell on Arch Linux, Manjaro, BlackArch

PowerShell on Linux PowerShell is a cross-platform automation and configuration tool/platform. PowerShell has a large number of system administration-oriented commands. But at the same time, PowerShell is a full-fledged programming language that allows you to write functional programs (scripts). Note that PowerShell 5 is currently preinstalled on Windows by default, but this manual shows the installation of the latest version...