Tag: BlackArch / Arch Linux

Error “npm warn cli npm … does not support Node.js ...”. How to update npm and node on Arch Linux and BlackArch (SOLVED)

Error “npm warn cli npm v11.0.0 does not support Node.js v18.20.5. This version of npm supports the following node versions” When using npm, for example: npm list You may encounter the error: npm warn cli npm v11.0.0 does not support Node.js v18.20.5. This version of npm supports the following node versions: `^20.17.0 || >=22.9.0`. You can find the latest version...

How to install Python as a CGI module in Apache on Linux

Table of contents 1. How to run a Python script on a web server 2. How to set up Python as a CGI module in Apache on Debian (Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Kali Linux) 2.1 Setting up Python CGI for a single directory 2.2 Setting up Python CGI for the entire web server 3. How to set up Python as a...

How to set up Python as a CGI module in Apache on Arch Linux (Manjaro, BlackArch)

Setting up Python CGI for a single directory Create a directory /srv/http/cgi-bin/ - this is where the Python scripts will be located: sudo mkdir /srv/http/cgi-bin/ Open the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file – the web server configuration file: sudo gedit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf Find a group of lines: <Directory "/srv/http/cgi-bin"> AllowOverride None Options None Require all granted </Directory> And replace it with: <Directory "/srv/http/cgi-bin"> AllowOverride...

Error “error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package)” (SOLVED)

When using pacman while updating packages, for example sudo pacman -Syu An error may occur: error: binutils: signature from "Frederik Schwan <frederik.schwan@linux.com>" is unknown trust :: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/binutils-2.39-4-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)). Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] If you choose the proposed option – remove an invalid or damaged package – then the update...

Error “TypeError: 'AURPackageInfo' does not have attribute 'submitter'” (SOLVED)

pikaur is a utility for facilitating the installation and updating of programs from the AUR. You can read more about pikaur in the article “Automatic installation and update of AUR packages”. pikaur's options are similar to pacman, but you don't need to use sudo. For example, updating all packages is done with the following command: pikaur -Syu On my Arch...

phpMyAdmin error “Error: Undefined constant "SODIUM_CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_KEYBYTES"” (SOLVED)

On Arch Linux, when trying to use the phpMyAdmin 5.3 pre-release, I encountered an error: Error: Undefined constant "SODIUM_CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_KEYBYTES" Checking in Debian showed that there is no such problem with phpMyAdmin 5.3. The reason for the error is that sodium support is not enabled. How to enable sodium on Arch Linux (Manjaro, BlackArch) To enable sodium support in Arch Linux...

Swap file and swap partition in Arch Linux (BlackArch): what to choose and how to add Swap

RAM, along with the central processor, is a determining factor in the performance of a computer. Moreover, the speed (frequency) of RAM is not so important, how important is its quantity – the amount of RAM. The computer starts to work much slower if it does not have enough RAM. Moreover, if it has a swap partition, then it can...

How to download a package without installation in Arch Linux and Manjaro. How to download the AUR package source code

How to download a package with pacman (from standard repositories) To download a package without installing it, use the -w option: sudo pacman -Sw PACKAGE By default, the package will be downloaded to pacman's package cache directory, with the --cachedir option you can specify any other directory to save the package to: sudo pacman -Sw --cachedir DIRECTORY PACKAGE For example,...

How to update the systemd-boot loader in /boot

Update /boot During the installation of Arch Linux on modern computers with UEFI (BIOS replacement), we create a small partition on the disk with a mount point in /boot into which we install the boot loader using bootctl. This bootloader is systemd-boot, which is part of systemd. Over time, systemd can be updated like any other Arch Linux package. This...

Chromium will no longer sync passwords - what should Linux users do?

Chrome and Chromium on Linux Everyone knows the Google Chrome web browser. Chromium is at its core. That is, Chromium is the open source web browser that Google builds on the Chrome web browser, adding proprietary (i.e. closed) code to it. The Chrome browser is distributed by Google itself as compiled files. The Chromium browser is available as open source....