Tag: NetworkManager

How to remove Mobile broadband and Bluetooth connection in NetworkManager

NetworkManager is a universal application for managing all kinds of network connections: wired connections wireless connections USB modem Bluetooth modem Wired and wireless connections can be deleted in the Network Settings and Network Connections interfaces. With Mobile broadband connections (using a mobile phone as a USB modem) and Bluetooth connections, the situation is somewhat different. In Network Settings, when you...

Where NetworkManager stores settings (SOLVED)

NetworkManager Configuration Files NetworkManager supports various plug-ins that can define new locations for storing configuration information. The main configuration file for NetworkManager, which is usually changed, is /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf. You can view its contents with the following command: cat /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf In addition to this file, NetworkManager settings can be saved in the /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d and /usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d directories. For a list of all...

How to prevent NetworkManager and other programs from modifying the /etc/resolv.conf file

The /etc/resolv.conf file contains a list of DNS servers that are used to resolve hostnames to IP addresses. NetworkManager, which is responsible for making network connections, automatically changes the contents of this file. The replacement takes place without notifying the user and can lead to unpleasant consequences – for example, causing a DNS leak, which negatively affects anonymity. It can...

How to prevent NetworkManager from managing a specific interface? (SOLVED)

NetworkManager is a Linux service that manages various network interfaces, including physical, such as Ethernet and wireless, and virtual, such as VPN and other tunnels. Network Manager can be configured to manage some or all of the system interfaces. NetworkManager has a graphical interface - this is the applet that opens when you click on the network icon located next...