Tag: Debian


Contents 1. Why does the ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR occur 2. How to fix the ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR 3. How to fix “ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR” on a local web server 4. How to configure HTTPS on Apache in Linux 4.1 How to install Apache and OpenSSL on Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Kali Linux 4.2 How to enable the SSL module for Apache 4.3 How to make a local...


Contents 1. Why does the SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG error occur 2. How to fix the SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG error 3. How to fix “Error code: SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG” on a local web server 4. How to configure HTTPS on Apache in Linux 4.1 How to install Apache and OpenSSL on Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Kali Linux 4.2 How to enable the SSL module for Apache 4.3 How...

How to set up HTTPS on Apache in Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Kali Linux

Contents How to enable HTTPS on Apache in Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Kali Linux How to install Apache and OpenSSL on Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Kali Linux How to enable the SSL module for Apache How to make a local server open by hostname (setting up hostname to IP address resolution) How to create a Certification Authority (CA) How to...

How to install Python as a CGI module in Apache on Linux

Table of contents 1. How to run a Python script on a web server 2. How to set up Python as a CGI module in Apache on Debian (Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Kali Linux) 2.1 Setting up Python CGI for a single directory 2.2 Setting up Python CGI for the entire web server 3. How to set up Python as a...

How to set up Python as a CGI module in Apache on Debian (Ubuntu, Linux Mint)

Setting up Python CGI for a single directory Run the command to enable the CGI module: sudo a2enmod cgi Restart the web server for the changes to take effect: sudo systemctl restart apache2 Create file /usr/lib/cgi-bin/test.py: sudo gedit /usr/lib/cgi-bin/test.py Copy the following content to this file: #!/usr/bin/python3 print ("Content-type: text/html") print ("") print ("") print ("<html><head>") print ("") print ("</head><body>")...

How to increase the size of the partition and file system after increasing the physical size of the disk

Disk partition size and file system size In Linux, a disk can be used entirely by one partition or be divided into several partitions (similar to volumes in Windows). Usually, at the stage of installing the operating system, disk partitioning is done: disk partitions are created, and then these partitions are formatted into one or another file system. In this...

How to update the GRUB bootloader on Debian and derivative distributions (Kali Linux, Ubuntu, Linux Mint)

The GRUB operating system loader is installed and updated on Linux like any other software package. But the peculiarity of the bootloader is that even after updating the package, the actual working files of the bootloader, which are located on the partition mounted along the /boot/grub/ path, are not automatically updated. That is, when new versions of GRUB are released,...

Error “No such file or directory: AH02454: FCGI: attempt to connect to Unix domain socket /run/php/php8.1-fpm.sock (*:80) failed” (SOLVED)

Debian and derivative distributions (Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Kali Linux, and many others) may experience a “FCGI: attempt to connect to Unix domain socket /run/php/php8.1-fpm.sock (*:80) failed” error when migrating from PHP 8.1 to PHP 8.2. Apache web server log sudo tail /var/log/apache2/error.log contains the following error messages: [Sun Jan 29 03:05:45.213609 2023] [proxy:error] [pid 1313500] (2)No such file or directory:...

How to install the latest version of Tor on Ubuntu

How to get the latest version of Tor on Ubuntu The tor package is present in the Ubuntu repositories, but its version may be out of date. This is especially true for Ubuntu distributions released several years ago, even if they have long-term support (LTS). In new versions of Tor, identified weaknesses and vulnerabilities are eliminated, as well as updating...

Do services need to be restarted when updating packages

Package configuration: whether to restart the service During the installation of package updates and their configuration, the apt program may ask you to restart the service: There are services installed on your system which need to be restarted when certain libraries, such as libpam, libc, and libssl, are upgraded. Since these restarts may cause interruptions of service for the system,...