Tag: Node.js / nodejs / node

Where does npm install packages? “Error: Cannot find module” even after installing the module

Contents “Error: Cannot find module” even after installing the module Where does node look for installed modules when specifying a relative path in the require() method Why does the error “Error: Cannot find module” occur when moving a .js file to another disk Where are the Node.js modules that I installed with npm How to check where the Node.js modules...

Error “npm warn cli npm … does not support Node.js ...”. How to update npm and node on Arch Linux and BlackArch (SOLVED)

Error “npm warn cli npm v11.0.0 does not support Node.js v18.20.5. This version of npm supports the following node versions” When using npm, for example: npm list You may encounter the error: npm warn cli npm v11.0.0 does not support Node.js v18.20.5. This version of npm supports the following node versions: `^20.17.0 || >=22.9.0`. You can find the latest version...

How to convert a string to lowercase in Bash

This note will show you how to convert a string to lowercase (small letters) on the Linux command line. To convert a string to lower case regardless of its current case, use one of the following commands. tr echo "Hi all" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' hi all Attention! If you want to change the case of any letters other than...

How to convert a string to uppercase in Bash

This note will show you how to convert a string to upper case (capital letters, uppercase) on the Linux command line. To convert a string to capital letters regardless of its current case, use one of the following commands. tr echo "Hi all" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' HI ALL Attention! If you want to change the case of any letters...