How to convert a string to lowercase in Bash
July 9, 2022
This note will show you how to convert a string to lowercase (small letters) on the Linux command line.
To convert a string to lower case regardless of its current case, use one of the following commands.
echo "Hi all" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' hi all
Attention! If you want to change the case of any letters other than Latin (national alphabets, letters with diacritics), then do not use tr, but use any other solution suggested below. This is because the classic Unix tr operates on single-byte characters and is not compatible with Unicode.
echo "Hi all" | awk '{print tolower($0)}' hi all
a="Hi all" echo "${a,,}" hi all
Starting with Bash 5.1, there is a conversion option “L”, which is intended to convert a string to lowercase:
v="heLLo" echo "${v@L}" hello
echo "Hi all" | sed -e 's/\(.*\)/\L\1/' hi all
Or this solution:
echo "Hi all" | sed -e 's/\(.*\)/\L\1/' <<< "$a" hi all
Another solution:
echo "Hi all" | sed 's/./\L&/g'
echo "Hi all" | perl -ne 'print lc' hi all
a="Hi all" b=`echo "print ('$a'.lower())" | python`; echo $b
a="Hi all" b=`echo "print '$a'.downcase" | ruby`; echo $b
b=`php -r "print strtolower('$a');"`; echo $b
b=`node -p "\"$a\".toLowerCase()"`; echo $b
In zsh
a="Hi all" echo $a:l
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