How to clear the terminal window in PowerShell. Analog of clear

When debugging cmdlets and options, so that previously output data does not fall into the field of view and does not mix with the results of the last command, or if for other reasons you want to delete everything that the command line utilities output, then you can use this instruction. We will consider such […]

How to find out the current directory in the Windows command line. Analog of pwd in PowerShell

What is the current and working directory in Windows The current directory or working directory is a folder relative to which the names of files whose path is specified relative or not specified at all are determined. Let's say the current directory is the folder “C:\Users\MiAl”. Therefore, if I create a file test.txt without specifying […]

How to remove the header from the output table in PowerShell and leave only the data

Most likely, you do not need to remove the table header Before I tell you how to remove the header (column names) from the data output by a cmdlet and leave only the data itself, it is important to note that PowerShell is quite different from other programming languages ​​in terms of output data. While […]

How to run a program from Python: how to run a system command or another Python script (complete guide)

Table of Contents 1. The subprocess module in Python 2. How to pass arguments to a program in 3. Getting the result of command execution (standard output, stdout)) 4. Working with the standard error (stderr) 5. Automatic command splitting into a list of arguments 6. How to run a command with wildcards 7. Calling […]

The best free AI software for maximum productivity

Table of contents Free AI computer software ChatALL GodMode Noi Chatbox DialogCraft AI Gate GPT Anywhere OneGPT 1. Free AI computer software This article features the best AI computer software. With these programs, you can simultaneously make requests and communicate with various AI chatbots, generate images, learn programming, and much more! If you are interested […]

GUI software for working with AI Chatbots

Table of contents Free open source programs for working with AI Chatbots ChatGPT Noi BingGPT Chatbox OpenAI Translator NextChat (ChatGPT Next Web) ChatGPT Desktop - Tray App AI Chat (Open AI Chat Bot in the Menu Bar) Chatbot UI  Chatpad AI Chie DesTalk DeskGPT DialogCraft Subtitle Translator Wai Chat Desktop AI Gate OpenGPT ChatALL BingGPT […]

Command line tools for working with AI Chatbots

Table of Contents Free and open source chatbot software Terminal GPT (tgpt) Chatblade chatGPT-shell-cli ShellGPT ΦωΦ (python-owega) shellChatGPT openai-cli pdfgpt AIChat AIChatNG air (AI in Rust) ChatGPT-CLI (gpt-chatbot-cli) GPTO (Geppetto) GPTScript gpt-cli Ruby OpenAI BashSenpai 1. Free and open source chatbot software For AI chatbots (like ChatGPT), there are official web interfaces, integrations into various […]

How to check the integrity of a file transferred over the network in Linux and Windows

When you need to download or upload large files, you need to check their integrity. For example, when uploading a large file to a hosting or downloading an archive with a backup copy of sites, you need to transfer files of several gigabytes or even tens of gigabytes between computers. With a slow Internet connection […]

How to check if a SQL query result is empty or not empty in PHP

When executing a SQL query to a database, the rows and columns of a table can be returned as the execution result. An empty value can also be returned if no data matching the query is found in the table. The usual algorithm for processing the received response from the database is to fetch the […]

How to clear a List in Python. Why clearing a List deletes copies of it in other variables

Why clearing a List in Python deletes copies of it in other variables Clearing a list in Python can be done in a number of ways, some of which can lead to unexpected results if you don't know the differences and what's going on under the hood. Let's look at a very simple script that […]
